Children’s Books

children’s books

In 2005, I was a surrogate for a gay couple. Six months previous, my husband was a sperm donor for a lesbian couple. These books evolved from those experiences and reflect our incredibly diverse family. More details on all three books can be found at

The Not-So-Only Child

This scrapbook-formatted celebration of traditional and non-traditional extended family provides tantalizing glimpses at the interwoven lives of forty-six people, fourteen pets and a teddy bear.

It’s a healthy helping of people-watching that caters to our fascination with figuring out other people’s stories.

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Ryan’s Mom is Tall & Monicka’s Papa is Tall

Ryan’s Mom and Mummy, and Monicka’s Papa and Daddy are different in many ways. See how their family puzzles fit together! These comparative books of opposites highlight the differences between parents while using a puzzle motif to create a picture of modern families in an inclusive world.